Tuesday, January 6, 2015

disappointments you had

One day when it just a little too late, people might ask me, "where have you been?"
And that's when i'll say,

i've been nowhere; just standing still beneath of everything, or might as well my answer will be; i was just too busy being on top of everything, above you (for sure). confusing life it is, it doesnt matter whether you'll be on top or even underground sekali pun, i had learnt that sometimes remain silence could be the best answer i could give to everyone. which is means of getting know those people who will be the one, or even more than one person, and includes those who possibly will come after me just to make sure that i'm doing it right and make sure that i wont make any mistake, or maybe the one who missed and can't just seeing me go in these kind of possible ways. i know where these things are going, someone made me realized that it's true, we can't please anyone and make them follow our way. Things will go perfectly as how you wanted it to be like or as how you planned it to turn out like, only if you know how to choose the person you want to bring with, i mean the one who truly understands your needs and everything. then only you get to satisfy yourself with double happiness on earth. no, no one says it's wrong to actually feels like you're doing something worth for your own self. that is totally something we called self-satisfaction. satisfaction means happiness, happiness means you're happy, and happy means happy.

I know. Nobody said it was easy but sit back, relax and think again. why do you have to take a suitcase full of blame while you can take a suitcase full of happiness? i mean, don't chase over a ghost, someone who is not belong with you; someone who is not in reality. chase over a reality where you can continue being in your self-satisfaction zone which is, your happy zone. being in that zone forever without any distractions, just like how you wanted it to be like. isn't that is what you've been dreaming of?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

the truth disaster

When someone came into your life and their presence could make you smile endlessly, even could make you laugh when you're down and could make you happy all the time. But somewhere deep down in your heart, you know that you can never feel that way forever because you know that nothing will last forever just like how you wanted it to be. As how you were thinking what will happen next, words are remain silence as you and your loved ones are becoming strangers again. They look at you like you were nothing to them back then. They gave you a lot of pains that you have to go through but still, your heart says no when you're about to hate them. You just can't, because you love them and you don't want to lose the one you love. And then you realized, you've falling too deep till it hurts you to get through this, without them anymore. For the next minute when you're having your second thoughts, you were thinking that maybe they deserved that "one last chance" from your broken heart, and maybe, they're worth to fight for and patient is all you need due to make things better again. 

You wish that if you could change all the things that happened, you would change the wrong things to right. The truth is right here to make things clearer, no matter how hard the situation is between you and them, you will just won't stop having faith that things are going to be better soon. It's just the matter of time, it's just the "sooner or later" moments. That's it. Well think again, will it be just like how you wanted it to be like? Will they starts to fight for you again? Will they turning to the old of them again?

Now listening to jayme dee - creep.

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